5 the best League of Legends players 

1. Viper

Team: EDward Gaming 

Nationality: Korea

Region: LPL

Role: Bot/ADC 

Favorite Champions: Jhin, Lucian, Aphelios  

Viper carried his team to victory this year with his consistent and stunning bottom lane performances. His team compliments his aggressive playstyle beautifully, which allows him to scale in the late game and become unstoppable. He is considered one of the best ADCs of this generation, and it’s easy to see why. 

His extremely high damage output, coupled with his ability to scale with a wide variety of champions make him a very versatile and reliable player. He excels in teamfights and two versus two situations, and he works extremely well with his teammates who give him the openings he needs to dominate the rift. 

In the finals against DWG Kia, he secured the title in the fifth and final game as Aphelios, with an impressive KDA of seven kills, one death, and seven assists. His ability to flawlessly play off of his team’s strengths in order to maintain his position as the attack damage carry throughout the game makes him one of the best League of Legends players in the world today.

2. Showmaker

Team: DWG Kia 

Nationality: Korea

Region: LCK 

Role: Mid Lane 

Favorite Champions: Katarina, Kassadin, Syndra, LeBlanc 

Showmaker is a one of a kind mid-lane carry who was easily DWG Kia’s most valuable player. His team secured second place in this year’s World Championship. His high KDA makes him an extremely consistent and invaluable player. He is a strong and reliable carry who can deliver his team from horrible circumstances and lead them into victory.

Mid-laners like Showmaker define championship teams because of their ability to make their teammates stronger with their leading performance. Since the start of 2020, Showmaker has won nearly 200 games for the DAMWON organization, which is more than most players will win in their whole careers. With the 2020 World Championship under his belt, Showmaker has already proven himself as one of the best League of Legends players the game has ever seen.

In the finals against EDward Gaming, Showmaker helped his team win two out of five games with his incredible high-KDA performances as Malzahar and Sylas. Shortly after World’s ended, Showmaker left DWG Kia on November 15th.

3. Scout

Team: EDward Gaming 

Nationality: Korea

Region: LPL 

Role: Mid Lane 

Favorite Champions: Kassadin, Zed, LeBlanc, Lulu 

Scout’s unrelenting mid-lane performance ultimately led to EDward Gaming’s World Championship victory this year. He was awarded MVP in this year’s Worlds Finals Series against DWG Kia. 

Although he has been a top tier competitor in League of Legends for a while, he had a difficult time carrying after many of EDward Gaming’s central players left the team. After overcoming his team’s growing pains, he has been able to dominate the rift in the mid-lane with his safe and meticulous playstyle. 

His ability to control the map with his macro skills sets him apart. Although he plays very safe during the laning phase, he knows when to roam, and how to handle teamfights successfully. His cautious and methodical approach makes him extremely valuable and dangerous. 

In the finals against DWG Kia, Scout made a masterful comeback with Zoe in the fourth and fifth games. In the fifth and final game, Scout melted the competition with Zoe’s deadly skill shots and ended with five kills, one death, and eight assists. 

4. Canyon

Team: DWG Kia 

Nationality: Korea

Region: LCK 

Role: Jungle 

Favorite Champions: Lee Sin, Nidalee, Kindred

Like his teammate Showmaker, Canyon has paved the way to victory for his teammates by making them stronger overall with his exceptional jungling skills. He claimed his spot as one of the best junglers in League of Legends after winning the 2020 World Championship with Showmaker. He has outstanding damage and KDA stats, and his plays are only bolstered by his fellow teammates. 

Canyon’s ability to carry with a wide variety of champions, and his exceptional micro and macro skills make him a crucial asset. When it comes to ganks and team fights, his impeccable timing, consistency, and execution also keep him near the top of the list. He is known for using champions such as Lee Sin, Gragas, and Jarvan IV that can significantly influence the early game. 

In the finals against EDward Gaming, he helped secure two out of five games with his impressive high KDA performances as Qiyana and Lee Sin. He also decided to leave DWG Kia on November 15th shortly after Worlds ended.  

5. Faker

Team: T1

Nationality: Korea 

Region: LCK

Role: Mid Lane

Favorite Champions: Zed, LeBlanc, Ahri, Azir, Ryze, Twisted Fate 

No best LoL player list would be complete without Faker! This three time World Championship winner is still slaying the competition today. Although the mid-lane has been overflowing with new and impressive talent these last few years, Faker’s legendary performances in the mid-lane keep him far above many of his up and coming adversaries. 

This year Faker secured his team a spot in the semifinals by defeating Chovy from Hanwha Life Esports, one of League’s most promising up and coming mid-laners. Although Faker wasn’t able to beat Showmaker in the semifinals, his team managed to finish in fourth place overall. 

While Faker’s skills in the mid-lane are still some of the best in the world, his team is filled with rookies this year which has made it hard for T1 to keep up with teams that are more talented overall, such as DWG Kia. However, the fact that Faker was still able to make it to the semifinals despite his team’s setbacks means that there is still so much left for him and T1 to accomplish.

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Uzi is one of the best bot laners League of Legends has ever seen. His insane mechanical skills and ability to play a wide array of champions made him an unstoppable ADC carry. He also has one of the longest careers in League of Legends. 

His career, spanning from 2012-2020, was cut short due to wrist injuries and shoulder pains. Although he has never won a World Championship, he has reached the final twice and has been in six World Championships. He also won the 2018 Mid-Season Invitational, and two LPL trophies. 

He was a pentakill machine, and had the highest CS/M throughout every season of LPL that he was in since 2015. His dedication to his support, and his flawless communication skills made it impossible for him to lose lane. Today he continues to play the game and streams regularly. There is hope that someday he will return to the Esports scene if his health improves.


Smeb is one of the most iconic LCK Top Laners of all time. Although he has never won a World Championship, he has four regional titles, and is a two-time regular season MVP. 

He is also the only top laner in the LCK that has reached 1,000 kills. With his incredible mechanical skills, he became one of the best players to ever grace the top lane. Smeb was the most popular during his time on the ROX Tigers. During this time, he and his teammates gave their best efforts to try and throw Faker and SKTT1 off their throne. Although ROX Tigers lost against SKT in the 2016 Worlds semifinals, it became a major accomplishment in Smeb’s career. He started his career in 2013 and announced his retirement near the end of 2020. Throughout his career, he competed in 606 matches and earned over 350 wins. Like Uzi, he has also become an active streamer.

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Cho “Mata” Se-hyeong

Professional League of Legends player in Korea in the Spring of 2013. He won his inaugural split with MVP Ozone, taking the Champions 2013 Spring title. Mata then cemented his legacy in 2014 by winning a World Championship with Samsung White. SSW had one, if not the most dominant run of all time, dropping only two games in the entire tournament and defeating Star Horn Royal Club 3-0 in the finals. As a result, Mata was named MVP of the tournament, the only support player ever to earn that honor.

Kim “Doinb” Tae-sang

Korean mid laner who adopted China as his home. However, Doinb never played in Korea, instead starting his career in the LPL with Qiao Gu Reapers in Summer 2015. He had solid, playoff-level results throughout his career, but things took off when he joined FunPlus Phoenix in 2019. After finishing first in the regular season in Spring, Doinb and FPX won the LPL Summer Split. From there, the team dominated the 2019 World Championship, culminating in a 3-0 sweep over G2 Esports in the Finals. Doinb is a player whose intelligence has gotten him much farther than his mechanical skill ever would have.

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